M Delta Frequently Asked Questions

Team-based learning (TBL) is a form of small-group learning that highlights student preparation prior to class and application of knowledge within teams in class. Students are organized into diverse groups that work together during class time. In class, team members articulate their thinking, providing an experience where students assess their own reasoning in consideration of the potentially different decisions that another team may make. Facilitators ensure that students are progressing correctly and content experts provide overviews of issues that are challenging to individual learners and teams. The expectation is that applying knowledge in an active learning model will give rise to longer retention and deeper understanding of information than traditional lecture-based approaches of passive learning.
Team-based learning has been shown to produce learning advantages in a variety of educational settings. The UConn School of Medicine is committed to providing our medical students with the highest quality education available. With this in mind, UConn has adapted the TBL model of education to enhance the learning experience of our students in preparation for highly successful careers in health care.
No. The curriculum has been designed to provide a variety of meaningful experiences, including laboratories, anatomy dissection, small group and case-based coursework, and a wide range of clinical opportunities.
The UConn School of Medicine is dedicated to the continued success of our students on the USMLE examinations. We provide flexible time for preparation, resources, optional courses for review, and assessments that simulate the examinations to track student progress. We are constantly reviewing material to ensure that every content area on the USMLE is incorporated into the curriculum.
Yes. The philosophy of the medical school was founded on the principle that students learn best in a collaborative, supportive environment, free of the competition associated with grading and student ranking.